
- Bootstrap inference
for group factor models, with J. Koh and B.
Perron, 2024, Halbert
White Memorial Lecture, Journal of Financial
Econometrics, forthcoming.
- Imputation of
counterfactual outcomes when the errors are
predictable, with S. Ng, 2024, JBES
invited lecture (with discussions and rejoinder),
Journal of Business and Economics Statistics,
- State-dependent local
projections, with A. Herrera, L. Kilian and E.
Pesavento, 2024.
and Appendix (a
previous version of this paper circulated under
the title "When do state-dependent local
projections work?), forthcoming in the Journal
of Econometrics.
inference in the presence of bias, with G.
Cavaliere and M. Nielsen, 2023, manuscript,
forthcoming in the Journal of the American
Statistical Association.
- Boostrap
inference under cross sectional dependence,
with T. Conley, M. Kim and B. Perron, 2022, Quantitative
May 2023, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 511-569.
response analysis for structural dynamic
models with nonlinear regressors, with
A. Herrera, L. Kilian, and E. Pesavento, 2021, Journal
of Econometrics, 225,
- Bootstrapping
factor models with cross sectional dependence,
with B. Perron, 2020, Journal
of Econometrics, 218, 476-495.
- Inference with Dependent Data in
Accounting and Finance Applications, with
Christian Hansen and Timothy Conley, 2018, Journal
of Accounting Research, Volume
56, Issue 4.
- Bootstrapping GMM
tests under first order underidentification,
with P. Dovonon, 2017,
Journal of
Econometrics, 43-71.
- Bootstrapping
pre-averaged realized volatility under market
microstructure noise,
with U. Hounyo and N. Meddahi, 2017, Econometric
- Tests
of equal predictive ability in factor-augmented
models, with Michael
W. McCracken and Benoit Perron,
Journal of
Econometrics, 198, 231-252.
prediction intervals for factor models, with B. Perron and A. Djogbenou,
2017, Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics,
35, 53-69.
regression models with estimated factors and
serial correlation,
with A. Djogbenou
and B. Perron,
2015, Journal
of Time Series Analysis, Volume
36, Issue 3, 481–-502.
Bootstrapping linear dynamic panel
models with individual fixed effects, with M. Kaffo,
2015, Journal of
Econometrics, 186, 407-426.
of `Bootstrap prediction intervals for
linear, nonlinear, and nonparametric autoregressions',
by Li Pan and Dimitris Politis,
2016, joint with Benoit Perron,
of Statistical Planning and Inference,
177, 31-34.
Bootstrapping factor-augmented
regression models,
with B. Perron, 2014, Journal
of Econometrics, 182, 156-173.
inference for pre-averaged realized volatility based
on non-overlapping returns,
with U. Hounyo and N. Meddahi,
2014, Journal
of Financial Econometrics, 12 (4), 679-707.
Bootstrapping realized
multivariate volatility measures,
with P. Dovonon and N. Meddahi, 2013, Journal
of Econometrics, 172, 49-65.
Discussion: Bootstrap methods for
dependent data: A review,
with D. Politis, 2011, Jornal of the Korean Statistical
Association, 40, 383-386.
The moving blocks bootstrap for
panel linear regression models with individual fixed
2011, Econometric Theory,
27, 1048-1082.
Block bootstrap puzzles in HAC
robust testing: the sophistication of the naive
bootstrap, with T. Vogelsang, 2011, Econometric
Theory, 27,
Box-Cox transforms for realized
with N. Meddahi, 2011, Journal of Econometrics,
160, 129-144.
Bootstrapping realized volatility,
with N. Meddahi, 2009, Econometrica,
Vol. 77, 283-306. Appendix
corrections for realized volatility, with N. Meddahi,
2008, Econometric
Reviews, 27 (1), 139-162.
Asymptotic and bootstrap inference
for AR(inf)
processes with conditional heteroskedasticity,
with L. Kilian, 2007, Econometric Reviews,
26 (6), 609-641.
Predictable dynamics in the
S&P 500 index options volatility surface, with M. Guidolin,
2006, Journal of Business,
Vol. 79, No. 3, May 2006, 1591-1635.
Estimation risk in financial risk
with P. Christoffersen,
2005, Journal of Risk,
Bootstrap standard error estimates
for linear regression,
with H. White, 2005, Journal of the American
Statistical Association, Vol. 100, No.
471, 970-979.
Bootstrapping autoregressions
with conditional heteroskedasticity
of unknown form,
with L. Kilian, 2004, Journal
of Econometrics, 123, 89-120.
Maximum likelihood and the
bootstrap for nonlinear dynamic models,
with H. White, 2004, Journal of Econometrics,
119, 199-220.
Consistency of the stationary
bootstrap under weak moment conditions,
with R. de Jong, 2003, Economics Letters,
81, 273-278. Long
bootstrap of the mean for dependent heterogeneous
with H. White, 2002, Econometric Theory,
18, 1367-1384.
Working papers
local projections, with A. Herrera, L.
Kilian and E. Pesavento, 2024, manuscript.
out-of-sample predictability tests with real-time
with M. McCracken and Y. Yao, 2024, manuscript.
- Out-of-sample
inference with annual benchmark revisions, with
M. McCracken and Y. Yao, in progress.
- Improved
inference for nonparametric regression and
regression discontinuity designs, with G.
Cavaliere, M. Nielsen, and E. Zanelli, in
- When do
state-dependent local projections work? with A.
Herrera, L. Kilian and E. Pesavento, 2022, manuscript.
